
Enrolling In and 改变的好处 FAQs

Find answers to common questions related to enrollment for your benefits and changing your benefit elections. 你可以浏览 资格和注册页面更改我的福利页面 了解更多信息.



资格 for benefits varies from person to person. An overview of benefit eligibility can be found on the 资格和注册页面. This page is categorized based on job type, 然而, if you are unsure of your current status at the University you may find out using the 好处 资格 Key within ,8经. Directions on how to find the 好处 资格 Key are located on the 好处 资格和注册页面.

How much time do I have to enroll in my benefits?

When you are hired or become newly benefit eligible there are varying deadlines for enrolling in each benefit*:

  • 30天:
    • 医疗保健计划
    • 牙科计划
    • 弹性支出帐户
    • YOUR 好处 Extras (VSP视力护理 & 大都会人寿法律计划)
  • 31天:
    • 长期伤残计划
  • 90天:
    • **可选人寿保险

Eligible individuals may enroll in all other benefits offered by the 十大赌博正规老平台 at any time. A detailed timeline can be found on the 资格和注册页面.

*资格 varies for the benefits listed above. 请检查您的资格.

**After the initial 90-day period you may still enroll, 然而, proof of good 治愈th may be required.


Platforms for enrolling in benefits vary depending on the benefit you are looking to enroll in:

  • ,8经: Newly hired faculty and staff may log in to ,8经 to enroll in 医疗保健计划*, 牙科计划*, 健康储蓄帐户(保险公司), 弹性开支帐户(金融服务管理局), 长期伤残计划, 选择性人寿保险, University-Paid Basic Term 人寿保险**
  • www.YOUR好处Extras.com: VSP视力护理, 大都会人寿法律计划, and group auto and home insurance
  • TIAA.org/Rochester:退休计划
  • Well-U页面:健康计划概述
  • URWell.罗彻斯特.edu/programs: Well-U项目 including biometric screenings, 生活方式管理项目, 状态管理程序, Behavioral 健康 Partners and UR Medicine EAP
  • 学费的好处: Tuition waiver or reimbursement paperwork for your specific needs
  • 电话 呼叫: 自置居所计划 和自愿 长期护理保险

*博士后同事 & Fellows enroll in medical, 牙科 and vision benefits through the 加内特·鲍尔斯网站.

** Eligible employees are automati呼叫y enrolled and only need to log in to ,8经 to select beneficiaries.


When can I change my benefit elections?

Once your initial eligibility period is over you may enroll in or change your benefit elections for the following benefits during the yearly, two-week 开放登记 timeframe (early November):

  • 医疗保健计划
  • 牙科计划
  • 弹性开支帐户(金融服务管理局)
  • 健康储蓄帐户(保险公司)
  • 选择性人寿保险
  • VSP视力护理
  • 大都会人寿法律计划

Changes may also be made to certain benefit plans outside of 开放登记 due to a qualifying event (such as marriage, 孩子的出生, 等.). Most other benefit elections can be changed anytime throughout the year. 查看 改变我的福利 详细信息页面.


开放登记 is a two-week time frame where you may make changes to your benefit elections for the coming year for 治愈th care, 牙科, 灵活支出账户, 健康储蓄帐户, VSP视力护理, 和大都会人寿法律计划. You may also enroll in or increase coverage for 选择性人寿保险 during this timeframe without providing proof of good 治愈th.

Most other benefits may be enrolled in or changed anytime throughout the year.


开放登记 to make changes to your benefit elections is held in November.

What life events are considered “Qualifying Events”?

A qualifying event allows you to change your elections for certain benefits outside of the annual 开放登记 period. A few common qualifying events include family status changes (such as marriage, divorce, birth, 等.), death, retirement, approved leave (such as FMLA), loss of coverage, 等.

An abbreviated list of qualifying events can be found within the 资格赛更改表格, 和 full list can be found within the 资格事件矩阵. If you wish to change your 治愈th or 牙科 care benefit elections due to a qualifying event, the 资格赛更改表格 must be received within 60 days of the event in most cases. For more information about changing your 选择性人寿保险 or VSP视力护理 benefit elections, 查看 更改我的福利页面.

Which benefits can I enroll in and change anytime throughout the year?

Eligible individuals may enroll/participate in or make changes to the 403(b) Retirement Program, Well-U项目, 学费的好处, the University 房屋所有权 Incentive Program, 集团汽车 & 首页 Insurance and Voluntary Long-Term Care Insurance anytime throughout the year. You may also enroll in or make changes to Group Universal Life (GUL) and Group Optional Term Life (GOTL) Insurance, 然而, proof of good 治愈th may be required outside of the open enrollment period.
